SNAP Violation Attorney

Has your company or store received a charging letter or a notice of an alleged SNAP Violation? If so, you have to act fast. In case you aren't aware, you only have 10 days to submit an appeal! It is very important to take these notices very seriously because there are no extensions, no deferments, and no considerations offered to you. But, you can take advantage of our free consultation to find out how we can help protect your store(s) today.

The Metropolitan Legal Group’s unique focus on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) violations positions our firm as one of the best in the nation to handle charging letters.

We understand the nuances of SNAP applications and can help you navigate the red tape associated with these situations. We can even assist you in the creation of store policies and provide SNAP Training education for employees to help prevent any violations from occurring or reoccurring. We can also make sure that your store is compliant with the records and training standards set by the USDA, as well as your local state's agency that oversees the administration and enforcement of these programs.

If you have a need for legal representation, you can trust us to aggressively defend you through the entire process. We have successfully defended more than 300 SNAP violations for convenience stores throughout the United States. Our quick and decisive representation can help you address any allegations from the USDA while preventing loss of revenue or customers.

No matter your needs or circumstances, Metropolitan Legal Group is here to defend your interests and protect your rights.

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